Hair Transplant Glasgow

Hair Transplant Glasgow

Hair Transplants and Treatment: How Does Hair Transplant Work?

what does hair transplant mean

It has been reported that there is an occupancy of around 40% of people in this world who are balled. People get balls from different parts of their heads, as some people lose hair from their temples, and some people lose their hair from the middle of the head. If someone has closed their hair there is no chance of regrowing the hair naturally. To fix that a lot of time ago some great doctors brought a solution for people. That solution is known as a “Hair Transplant”. A lot of people know about this treatment but they are not properly aware of its benefits and works. Now to learn about this treatment, just read this blog till the last.

What Is a Hair Transplant?

A hair transplant is a surgical method that removes the hair follicles from one part of your body which is known as the donor site, to the bald and balding part of the body which is known as the recipient site. The transplantation method is mostly used to treat male pattern baldness because the occupancy of bald people includes 90% of men.

The transplantation surgery can also be used to restore eyelashes, eyebrows, beard hair, chest hair, and pubic hair, and also it can fill the scared that people might have because of any accident or surgery. Hair transplant and treatment have a brilliant natural appearance by mimicking the original hair orientation. Scroll down to learn how this surgery works.

How Does Hair Transplant Work?

It has been recorded that a normal human being loses 50 to 100 hairs every single day. It happens because of hair growth which has a total of three phases which include the Growth phase (Anagen), the Involution phase (Catagen), and the Resting phase (Telogen). At this time the hormones and testosterone of a male get converted to another male hormone, 5 dihydrotestosterone (5-DHT) in the hair follicles. It comes under the influence of 5-DHT, hair follicles in the front and also on the top of the scalp which starts and suddenly starts to become thinner as per your genetics.

The treatment of transplantation of hair occurs in the medical office under local anesthesia. There is pattern baldness which is responsible for the major hair loss. This also comes under the genetics of people. On the other side, it is also dependent on several basic things such as stress, diet, illness, medication, and hormonal imbalance. Continue reading.

Benefits Of Hair Transplant? Does All The People Can See The Benefits Of This Treatment?

Hair Transplantation has several benefits such as there is very little chance of pain, there are great results with healthier hair, this surgical treatment has no scarring left, there is not any risk of infection, and there is the fastest recovery possible. there is no anesthesia required in this treatment. We have learned about the benefits of this surgical treatment do you know that this treatment is not for everyone?

Hair therapy does not suit women with a widespread pattern of hair loss all over the scalp. This will also not suit someone who does not have many donor hair sites from where their hairs can be removed easily and can be used for transplantation. It also does not work for someone whose hair loss has happened because of the chemotherapy and it will also not suit a person who has thick scars because of the injury or surgery on their scalp.

Hair Transplant Techniques? How Many Types of Treatment Are There For Transplantation?


There are a total of two types of treatment of hair transplantation. The first method is Follicular Unit transplantation (FUT) and the second method is Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE). Learn about both the treatment in detail below:

Folliculor Unit Tranplantion (FUT):

The follicular unit transplantation (FUT) is a hair restoration technique. It is known as the strip procedure where a patient’s hair is transplanted into the naturally occurring group of 1 to 5 hairs which are known as the follicular units. It contains sebaceous (oil) glands, small muscles, nerves, and occasional fine vellus hairs. This procedure is considered an advanced older hair transplantation process which were larger grafts and were used to produce an unnatural look and pluggy.

Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE):

The follicular unit extraction (FUE) is also known as the follicular transfer. It is a process of naturally occurring groups of one to five hairs for hair transplantation. The follicular units obtained by the general method are the basic building blocks of follicular unit transplantation (FUT). This treatment was first offiiclay described in 1988 in Japan. This is a time and expensive treatment, in this the survival of follicular units upon cutting around the hair follicle and then they get extracted from the scalp is the major variable of successful hair transplantation.

Which One Is Better FUT Or FUE?

There is a big difference between Folliculor Unit transplantation (FUT) and Folliculor Unit Extraction (FUE). The major difference is that both the FUE remove the independent grafts that are unnecessary to remove the extra scalp portions from the back of your head. And no scalp is removed in FUE, there is much less pain as a minimal surgical method is involved and there is less pain. As per most of the public reviews and experts’ suggestions, the FUE looks like a great option per the FUT and it is generally preferred.

What Are Hair Transplant Side Effects?

Side effect of hair transplant

In this world, everything has its side effects, same as well as here. The hair translation treatments also have multiple side effects such as it can cause some infection. It can create scalp dryness and itchy scalp. It can also give you swelling on the scalp. It can also cause loss of sensation on the surgical sites. The surgical sites with pus drainage can also leave bruises around the eyes, and it can also form on the areas where the was removed and implanted.

Does Hair Transplant Last Forever?

As per the experts, hair transplantation stays for a long term duration, It is more cost effective than any other hair loss treatment. The hairs that are transplanted are permanent and they can grow naturally after a period when ut get properly healed. There is no need for an external donor. It has been claimed that this procedure is safe and it does not pain much. This surgical method can be done in just a few hours and the recovery time is much less. This treatment covers the head entirely.

What Happens During A Hair Transplant?

There are a total of two techniques used in doing hair transplantation which are FUT and FUE. IN Folliculot Unit Transplantation (FUT), the hair surgeon will use a scalpel to cut out a strip of scalp skin from the back of the head. The official incision is generally several inches long. After the process, the surgeon closes it with stitches. After that, the surgeon separated the removed portion of the scalp into small sections which used a magnifying lens and shall surgical knife. During the implantation, these sections help in achieving natural-looking hair growth.

Where on the other side, in the second process which is known as Follicular Unit Extraction (FUE) the surgeon cuts the hair follicles directly from the back of the head through hundreds to thousands of very small punch incisions. A hair transplant surgeon makes some small holes with a barcode or needle in the area of the scalp that is receiving the hair transplant. Then the hairs are gently placed in these holes. At the time of the first session, a surgeon might be transplanting hundreds or more thousands of hairs. After that, the graft, gauze, or bandages cover the scalp of people for some days.

It has been described that the hair transplantation session can take around 4 hours or sometimes more. After the treatment, the stitches that have been done on your head will be removed after around 10 days of the surgery.

What Happens After A Hair Transplant?

After the hair surgery, your scalp might become sore and you might need to take some medications following the hair transplant surgery like pain medicines, antibiotics to reduce the risk of infection, and also it is anti-inflammation medication that keeps swelling down. People can return to work after 10 or 12 days of the surgery.

Hair experts have revealed that it the typical for the transplanted hair to fall out in around 2 or 3 weeks after the procedure. This might make the way for new hair growth. A lot of people see some new hair growth around 8 or 12 months after the surgery.

A lot of doctors recommend using minoxidil or any other hair growth medication like finasteride to improve the growth of hair. This mediation will help in not falling the hair after some time so it will protect your hair. Here are all the details we have shared about any hair transplant surgery. We hope that you like this blog.


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