Everything You Need To Know About Hair Loss

hair loss

Everything You Need To Know About Hair Loss

Hair loss is the worst thing we ever faced in our lives. In the population of today’s world, 80% of people are suffering from the loss of hair. It is generally a very common occurrence that people face, It is more prevalent in older adults and can be experienced by anyone like males and females. And in this generation, it is happening the loss of hair can be witnessed from the age of 15. We mostly lose around 50 to 100 hair every day and it is very natural so there is nothing to worry but if you are losing more hair, you should check out this blog to learn about its causes, treatment, and some more important details. 

What Is Hair Loss?

Hair loss refers to the loss of hair from a part of the head or body. It is also known as baldness or alopecia. In this generally head is involved. The loss of hair can happen from a very small area to the entire body. There are several types and ways of hair loss. There are a lot of causes that lead to the loss of hair. To know read this blog till the last.

The loss of hair which is also known as alopecia can affect just your scalp or your entire body. It can be temporary and it can also be permanent. It can happen because of genetics, hormonal changes, diet, and some more things. At this time, anyone can lose hair on their head. In 90% of cases, men lose their hair.

Baldness can also be referred to as excessive hair loss from your scalp. Hereditary hair loss with age is the most common cause of baldness. A lot of people claim to let their hair loss continue but a lot of people started covering their heads because of the loss of hair as they do not feel confident and stylish. You should be aware of some major causes of the loss of hair which you can read now.

What Causes Hair Loss?

What Causes Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur because of several things. The loss of hair can be determined through the thinning hair when hair falls out gradually or abruptly. Or if you notice that you are losing more than 100 hair per day. At that time you needed immediate care to prevent permanent loss of hair. Here you should look at the causes of loss of hair.


If your parents have faced the same situation and if your father is completely bald it is sure that you are also going to suffer from hair loss.

Medical SItuation:

If someone is going through any medical situation. If someone is suffering from cancer and they are undergoing chemotherapy will face loss of hair.

Hormonal Changes:

When we grow up we face several hormonal changes in our body. Those changes in our body are important and the loss of hair that we face because of changes is natural there is nothing to worry about as you are going to grow your hair fast.


If you have given birth to a child recently it can lead to hair loss. It happens because when a female gives birth to a child at that time she puts a lot of energy into it and her body becomes weak. 


Taking too much stress can lead to the loss of hair. Taking too much stress is not good, you should relax and give yourself peace if you want to have good health in your body and skin.

Bad Diet:

If you take a bad diet, it can lead to a huge loss of hair which is not good at all. You should always look at your diet by stop eating junk food and start eating healthy food.


If you smoke it can also lead to loss of your hair. Smoking is not good for our health and if you do it so please quit it as soon as possible. Neither after some time are you going to see yourself in the mirror completely bald. 

Types Of Hair Loss

There are several types of hair loss that you should know about, so read it now:

Androgenic Alopecia:

Androgenic alopecia is known to hereditary hair loss such as male pattern baldness or female pattern baldness. It is also known as the patter alopecia. It happens to both males and females. It is one of the most common causes of the loss of hair. It has affected more than 50% of people so far. 

Traction Alopecia:

Traction alopecia results from a lot of pressure and tension on the hair which generally happens from wearing tight hairstyles such as ponytails, braids, or buns.

Anagen Effluvium:

Anagen effluvium involves a rapid loss of hair. It mostly happens because of the traditional treatment or because of chemotherapy. When the treatments are finished after some time, the hair of the person regrows in most cases.

Alopecia Areata

Alopecia areata is an autoimmune condition that causes the immune system of people to attack the hair follicles. It has resulted in bald patches which range from small to large. In this type some people also lose their hair from their eyebrows, eyelashes, or some other parts of the body. 

Telogen Effluvium:

The telogen effluvium is one of the types of hair loss. It results from an emotional or physical shock such as trauma, a period of extreme stress, or because of a serious illness. It can also occur because of the hormonal changes. It can also happen because of malnutrition which includes vitamin or mineral deficiency. It can also happen because of certain endocrine disorders. This can be treated through medicines.

Tinea Capitis:

Tinea capitis is also known as ringworm of the scalp. It is a fungal infection that can affect the scalp and hair shaft. It left some small patches which are scaly and also itchy. If does not get treated on time, the infection will grow and it will leave big batches on the scalp. These patches are also known as Kerion. 

Treatment For Hair Loss


There are several types of hair loss treatment. There are some ayurvedic ways, home remedies, and medical ways. You can follow any of these ways in which you mostly believe. All the ways of treatment are great and fine.

Ayurvedic Treatment:

In Ayurveda, there are some natural herbs and oils that can help you stop losing your hair and re-grow a good amount of hair. As we all know ayurveda is completely safe, it might take a long time but it will surely give you good results. It is now spreading across the world through its proven benefits.

Medical Treatment:

You can move toward the medical treatment for hair loss after you see that the situation has now become too vast and it is not under control now. So first you should look at a good hair doctor near you. After that, if the doctor says to you to take some medicine, so go ahead, and if the doctor says that you have to have surgery, you can also choose that.

Hair Transplant:

If your doctor recommends you do a hair transplant surgery, and you have dared to do that so go ahead and do it. Do the hair transplant surgery from a well-known doctor with proper safety. There are two types of hair transplants. Your doctor is gonna recommend to you which one should you do.

Home Remedies:

There are several home remedies to treat the loss of hair at home. As we all know the natural process is the best as it comes under budget and it is safe. To stop losing your hair, start doing an oil massage on your scalp every week. It will increase blood flow. It will also help in racing the oil under your roots of hair which helps in growing back thicker and stronger.

You should start using some essential oils on your head if you want some great results. You should have a balanced diet which should be balanced with a good amount of minerals and vitamins. You can also start using minoxidil but before applying it ask your doctor. Keep reading this blog till the last.

In general. the hair loss happens with everyone. And in most cases, men suffer from the loss of hair. in this world, most of them are now able and a lot of men are now losing their hair at a very young age. We should take care of our hair and not avoid the loss of our hair. There are very less cases when we have seen any woman bald because they care about their hair and treat them well as compared to males. If you do not focus on it at the right time, so in the future, you are going to see yourself bald also. So before it happens just start using some given treatment in this article which will stop your hair from losing.


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